Cheque discounting is a financial service that allows businesses and individuals in Taichung to receive cash in advance for their cheques. This service is especially useful for those who need immediate funds but are unable to wait for their cheques to clear.

One of the main benefits of cheque discounting in Taichung is the quick access to cash. Instead of waiting days or even weeks for a cheque to clear, individuals and businesses can get the money they need right away. This can be crucial in emergency situations or when urgent expenses arise.

Another advantage of cheque discounting is that it can help improve cash flow for businesses in Taichung. By receiving cash for their cheques, businesses can ensure that they have enough funds to cover their operating expenses and invest in growth opportunities. This can help businesses avoid cash flow problems and keep their operations running smoothly.

Cheque discounting is also a convenient and easy process in Taichung. With the help of a reputable financial institution, individuals and businesses can quickly and easily submit their cheques for discounting. The funds are typically disbursed within a short period, allowing the recipient to use the cash for their needs.

In conclusion, cheque discounting in Taichung offers a range of benefits for individuals and businesses. From quick access to cash to improved cash flow, this financial service can help meet the immediate financial needs of those in need. If you are in Taichung and require fast access to funds, consider utilizing cheque discounting as a convenient and effective solution.

4連戰前3場被洋基狠狠修理的皇家,今天(14日)在Alec Marsh前6局無安打的壓制下看似情事大好,沒想到牛棚卻搞砸領先,所幸Maikel Garcia在9局下的再見二壘打,幫助皇家4比3避免被橫掃且終止4連敗。

Maikel Garcia。圖片來源:達志影像

開季表現優異、但前3次登板17局責失14分狀態欠佳的二年級生Marsh此役與捕手Freddy Fermin有完美搭配,前6局面對19名打者出現2次保送但沒被敲任何安打,且皇家打線於第4局靠著Vinnie Pasquantino的重要二壘打先下2城取得領先。

第7局Juan Soto敲安破了無安打狀態,Marsh投完該局仍無失分並以98球結束工作,沒想到第8局牛棚出亂子,面對首名打者Anthony Rizzo就挨轟,之後又出現防守失誤,讓洋基以2支安打加上內野滾地再追加2分反倒以3比2超前。

不過已3天沒出賽的洋基終結者Clay Holmes沒能守成,皇家先敲2支安打攻占一三壘,然後Garcia的左外野車布邊深遠二壘打送回2位隊友結束比賽。


Alec Marsh。圖片來源:達志影像


談到7局投球3次三振目前大聯盟最恐怖的Aaron Judge,Marsh指出:「我就是混搭所有球種,我試著讓他失去平衡,他是很好的打者,他會在某個球數時瞄準某個球種,而我則是在那些球數下試著投平常不會投的球種。」

洋基雖然終止4連勝,但唯一亮點是先發Nestor Cortes繳出7局失2分的內容,這是他本季客場表現最好的1場,讓他的客場自責分率從6.17降至5.55。

對此洋基教頭 Aaron Boone也予以肯定:「Nestor表現很棒,這是1場好投手之間的對決,他的速球投在高角度且有尾勁,他投出1場好比賽,一如Marsh那樣給了我們7局好投。」


